PGA Czech Open 2023 – Czech national and European Cup
Category: FAI 2
Organiser: Studentský klub paraglidingu,
Dates: 18. – 20.8.2023
Reserve dates: –
HQ: PG Hnízdo at Čeladná
Take-offs: Beskydy – Ondřejník Skalka, Velký Javorník, Odry, Děhylov, Hrabůvka, Černá Hora
Entry fee:
- Members of PG Union LAA ČR (payment to 1.8.) 1 000 Kč / 40€
- Others (payment to 1.8.) 1 500 Kč / 60€
- Members of PG Union LAA ČR (late paymet) 1 250 Kč / 50€
- Others (late payment) 2 000 Kč / 80€
Note: For entry fee payments use the accounts bellow:
CZK: 2500063381/2010, IBAN: CZ9520100000002500063381, SWIFT: FIOBCZPPXXX
EUR: 2300137542/2010, IBAN: CZ3120100000002300137542, SWIFT: FIOBCZPPXXX
ČAATS, z. s. Klub technických sportů – Studentský klub paraglidingu, p.s., Čeladná 264, 739 12 Čeladná, CZECHIA
Fio banka, a.s., V Celnici 1028/10, 11721 Praha 1, CZECHIA
Number of participants: 75 (25 places reserved to frorgein pilots to 1.8.2023)
In case of cancellation of the competition, eg due to weather or coronavirus situation, the entire entry fee will be refunded except 10€/250CZK to cover organising and bank cost.
Entry fee includes:
- transport to take off
- take off fees
- lunchpackets during competitions days
- WIFI internet at HQ
Main organiser/MD: Aneta Konečná
Contact persons: Aneta Konečná,, +420 777 453 037
Kamil Konečný,, +420 608 811 699
Fill entry form here… or check, who will be compete with you…
- Registration:
17.8.2023 from 19.00 to 21.00 (documents check – pilot license, insurance)
18.8.2023 from 7.00 to 8.00 (documents check – pilot license, insurance) - General briefing: 18.8. from 08.00 – 8:30
- Competition days:
18.8. – from 9:00 to 21:00
19.8. – from 8:00 to 21:00
20.8. – from 8:00, last round will not be started after 14:00 - Prize giving ceremony: 20.8. from 17.00
The competition will be listed in several categories, with the participant taking part in several of them:
- HOBBY … czech pilot, not member of national team
- OPEN …overal
- OPEN female … overal
- TEAMs (three members)
- Junior U-25
Competition is organised by FAI rules Section S7c. Local regulations of the competition is published here.
The schedule can be changed due weather.
- 12 participants at the HQ 350Kč/night or 15EUR/night
- 6 participants, Trojanovice
- Autocamping Baška
- Several accomodation around. Let’s write us to arrange it.